Thursday, August 14, 2008

SUNDAY - get inspired!

okay, i finally added some fun links off to the side there... go trolling around in those, and visit your own favorites to get some ideas for Sunday. I have a bunch of Sublime Stitching patterns if you want to mooch, and a tote bag pattern I printed from someplace-online-i-forget-where.

I am making 2 pillowcases, then embroidering them with something pretty...

See you then!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Alright, ladies. By way of a tied vote, you've forced me - me! - to make a decision about the August meeting. I'm choosing August 17, because I am leaving for a week-long trip on the 24th and I know I'll be running around doing last-minute crap on the 23rd. So there! We have an August date.

I'll do a pre-meeting post next week, and add links for creative inspiration as well as some project hints. I'm also working on a new blog design that includes a simple calendar at the top, to keep track of upcoming meetings. The pre-fab bits of blogger leave some to be desired, but there's a way around any rule in the life if you just have some patience...

See you soon!