Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is anyone still out there?

Okay, so I disappeared for quite some time. I was busy!

I've been bookmarking project ideas, but I want to gauge interest first.

Give me your thoughts in the comments section.

To tide you over, take a look at
THIS PROJECT (as featured on Design*sponge). I am going to make these lickety-split.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Okay, so the past couple of months were kind of a mess! Man, where does the time go... However! Moving onward and upward, let's figure out some fun things to do next - shall we?

Here's what we accomplished this year:

herb/fruit infusions (vodka, olive oil, vinegar)
various knitting bits

Not bad! That leaves all these left on our "wish list" from back in July, when this whole thing started:

re-wiring - lamps, ceiling lights, wall sconces
beaded jewelry
soap and candles
lamp making
cross stitch
mosaic tiling
mat cutting for frames
general scouting/summer-camp skills (fire-making, cooking, whittling?)
printmaking and letterpress
homemade wine
reupholstering and slipcovers
possible themes for a meeting: lampshades! buttons! cork! felt!

We've still got a lot of ideas kicking around out there. I propose we all do some thinking (and I've got a few ideas in the works already...) and meet up in January for a pow-wow, and we'll lay out the first half of the year.


1) Jot down some craft ideas - something you've done before that was really cool, or an idea you're interested in exploring

Ideas to get you started: do you have friends with a crafty job or a neat talent? ask them to be a guest! do you have a half-assed project that needs completing? suggest that as a topic for a meeting - we all might be interested.

2) Send me your inspiration! I am updating the blog list on here, so if you have websites you visit everyday for visual stimulation or craft inspiration... leave the address in the comments and I'll add it.

I've got a poll up, so vote for the meeting date. as usual, majority rules!

See you fools in January.