Friday, November 21, 2008

Meeting: Sunday, November 23rd

Okay, poll says that we're doing infusions of various kinds and a crafting wrap-up. I may knit a little, stencil a bit of fabric, who knows. But I am *definitely* infusing some stuff.

Infusions - the boozy kind

Okay! There was an inspiring article in the Washington Post the other day, with a recipe for Limoncello.... and that's what I am making! You need lemons and Everclear to start with, and a big ole jar. Here is the recipe: If you want to make it, but are too lazy or busy to get the ingredients, send me an email and I'll pick up the stuff for you and you can pay me back later...

I am also going to infuse some vodka with some herbs - fennel, maybe? Maybe lavender? And walnut. I have a shit-ton of fresh mint growing at my house, as well as 2 bushes of late-blooming lavender. Help yourself to those if you want. I also have some jars laying around that people can use. Otherwise, bring your own ingredients!

Here are some links to some fun recipes for inspiration:

- A Wikihow article on infusions

- A cozy infusion with oats and honey and cinnamon

- Orange bitters

- Ooh, this one is interesting. A recipe involving gin infused with chamomile flowers (available at the Yes! Organic Market - I've seen them at the one in Brookland...)

- Get inspired from the aquavit menu at Domku or the vodka menus at Russia House

- other flavors/colors to consider: saffron and chiles (that's my idea, i think it would be a wild color with a spicy burn); any kind of berry; dill; hazelnuts and honey; star anise; ginger?

Infusions - oils, for the risk-taker

Almost anything you could put in vodka, you can put in oil. However! There is a risk of food poisoning if you don't store the oils correctly, so I wouldn't go passing these out as holiday gifts at the office. You can make them for yourself, though, and as long as you use dried ingredients to infuse the oils, store the oil in the fridge, and use it up in a few weeks - it should be a-okay!

Infusions - vinegars, the carefree choice

Again, anything would go into a vinegar that would go into a vodka - make your choice of malt, cider, rice, wine, whatever, and pair with a fruit or herb. Rosemary malt vinegar?

Infusions - seasonings

What about sugar? salt? These can be infused too. Martha loves her lemon and vanilla sugars, and I've heard-tell of rosemary infused sea salt, fennel and cardamom sugars.

RSVP to my hotmail or in the comments, so I know if anyone is coming... See you fools on Sunday!


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